Vigil For The EArth
As part of Extinction Rebellion’s Faith Vigil for the Earth, we invite you to join us for a prayer and meditation walk in Lewes. People of all faiths and none, come together to silently focus their will and energy towards healing for our planet.
The end of the walk will mark the beginning of a week long vigil. Keeping watch together with those maintaining a continuous prayer and meditation presence in Parliament Square, London, as well as those taking part through a zoom vigil space.
Meet 2pm at St Thomas A Becket Church, Cliffe High St, Lewes
You will need to wear a face mask and we will be observing 2m distancing.
There will be 3 stops in which a few words will be spoken and a simple service at the end.
You are invited to dress in a single colour of your choice and make yourself a sandwich board style sign to wear. (A piece of cardboard front and back with string over the shoulders, one side saying your own message or prayer intention the other saying “we want to live”).
For further information contact: