Getting trained up at home
Dear Rebels,
It’s difficult for us all to get together for trainings during the lock-down, but don’t despair! Rebels have been working hard to bring you a range of online trainings and you can take part from the comfort of your own home! You’ll find some on our Events Calendar. If you click on the link under XR CENTRAL EVENTS AND TRAININGS you can sign up for the brilliant online DNA workshops, or attend an Introduction to Extinction Rebellion or Rebel Ringers Training. These aren’t the only trainings being offered over the next few weeks. We now have our very own RESET TV where there is a packed programme of trainings, activities, discussions and rebellious things to do during lock-down! RESET TV are keen to get everyone involved, so if you have an idea for an online event you can contact them and get involved … it’s the XR way!
Love and Training