Saturday 29th August
A funeral march that transforms. A Jazz band. Black-clad mourners,
marching in sombre mood, to mark the death and destruction wrought by
humans on our natural world. And then it changes (you’ll have to wait and see….) to celebrate joyously the beauty and power of nature.
This will be an inspiring action with a big presence in the
town, that will remind people about resisting climate change and hopefully get them interested in joining the actions in London.
We’ll keep safe – masks (black) and 2 metres apart
Turn up on the day
Come at 11.00 to Westgate Street on Saturday 29th August
Setting off at 11.30. Formal funeral attire is requested. With an umbrella or a parasol. But you can also just come as you are. Bring placards.
The Route
The marchers will gather in Westgate Street at 11.00. We will set off at 11.30, two abreast, all distanced at 2 metres and wearing masks. We will head down the High Street past the War Memorial, and down School Hill towards Cliffe precinct.
At the entrance to the precinct will be a Marshall, who will ensure everyone is still marching only two abreast, and safely distanced. If it is particularly crowded on that Saturday, they may even ask us to process in single file. However, if we are able to proceed two abreast, we will keep to the centre of the precinct, and leave the red pavement to the shoppers. Over Cliffe Bridge and down Cliffe High Street, then turning left into Malling Street.
At Phoenix Causeway, we will turn back into the town. Over Phoenix Bridge, left at Eastgate Street, and once more through the precinct. This time we turn down Railway Lane and head on to the Linklater Pavilion, our final destination.
There will be a short socially distanced closing event at the Linklater, more details nearer the time.
Preparing so you can join the leading group
We have been busy painting umbrellas to look like giant flowers (for regrowth). To paint your own umbrella at home we recommend acrylic art paint mixed with Chromacryl textile medium, ironed afterwards to fix. For more information contact
Marshalls and outreach
We also need marshalls for the traffic, and people to talk to the public
about XR as we go. Let us know if you can help.
See you there!