Join us on a socially distanced cycle procession through Lewes on Saturday 11 July to help bring pressure on East Sussex County Council to act to encourage cycling in the town and beyond. We want them to take advantage of the current government offer of funding available to councils who present ambitious plans to enhance walking and cycling as alternatives to car use.
We are meeting at 11am outside the East Sussex County Council offices. We will then ride together down through the town to the Linklater Pavilion. From there we will split into two groups one of which will follow the easier Green Route whilst the other follows the Red Route as depicted in the maps below.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a thinker. One of the things you think about is the damage we’re wreaking on the world we inhabit. Perhaps you’ve been actively involved with Extinction Rebellion, in Lewes or London or somewhere else. Perhaps you’ve been supporting us in other ways. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about getting involved, or you’re just visiting our website out of curiosity.
At a time like this there’s so much more to think about. The dreadful death count. The fear for your loved ones. The sheer, unprecedented scale of it. The huge, deeply unsettling uncertainties. The changes in your own life, and in society; the way the disease has laid bare the systemic shortcomings and inequalities and injustices. And the positives. Communities coming together. People supporting one another. Less traffic. Fewer planes. The spring unfolding around us. Nature having a breather. What to make of it all?
It’s hard to know what to think – and yet at such a time thinking becomes even more important. And so this is a plea for thought. We’ve been inspired by the wonderful art gallery our Creative team has put together by sourcing art from our members – if you haven’t seen it, visit – and we’d like to do something similar on our website for the written word. So, please share your thoughts with us! They can be in any form you choose – a poem, or an essay, a piece of creative writing, a lockdown diary or an idea for an action or an idea for societal change or a joke. We aren’t being proscriptive!
For surely now, sharing our thoughts with one another is one of the best things we can do. As a way of therapy, of helping each other to deal with the terrible stress of it all, and also so that new ideas might emerge – ideas that may just help us to build something positive, so that out of this tragedy we might create a better world, with climate justice at the heart of it.
There’s a new national action starting called ‘There’s No Going Back Sundays’. Around the country Central XR are encouraging people to stand with a handmade placard highlighting the need for change as we come out of the lockdown. It’s suggested we stand 2 metres apart, wear masks and the photos are posted on social media.
On Sunday 17th May several Rebels set out from Lewes either on bicycles or by foot as runners to join up with those on the seafront in Seaford. They gathered on Cliffe Bridge where one of our Creatives had stencilled a bike symbol to highlight the need for more cycle ways.
Meanwhile, the Seaford rebels were either standing silently holding placards or engaging with interested passers by. The messages were generally welcomed and there was a really good atmosphere along the seafront.
Further along the seafront some mischievous magic was appearing on the grey pillars. Another of our creative rebels had started drawing a fabulous series of figures. Passers by loved the playful characters and the photos have now been shared widely on Facebook.
The action is every Sunday at 10am and you can join in alone or together. Just make a placard and post the photos:
The Rebellion needs you! Extinction Rebellion has grown enormously thanks to your support! We need volunteers nationally, regionally and locally to help organise for when lock-down is over and politicians and big business try to push us back into business as usual. We have to resist – it was ‘normal’ that caused this mess in the first place! Visit the XR UK volunteer website and find the role for you. We welcome everyone and every part of everybody. We are all crew in XR.
tell Barclays and their shareholders that fossil fuel is dead!
Carbon emissions must start declining steeply now if we are
to stand a chance of avoiding catastrophic climate breakdown. Yet Barclays has
invested £70 billion in fossil fuels and carbon intensive companies since the
Paris Accord was signed in 2015 – and they show no signs of stopping. Just to
add to the madness, it makes no sense financially. Oil prices are volatile and
no longer a safe investment for shareholders.
This action
will start now, culminating with a swarm of Barclays’ social media on Thursday
7th May, 11am, the day of the AGM.
This action will be aimed at shareholders, big business
investors and Barclays, as these are the people who will either be voting at
the AGM or will know people who are.
Barclays have said they will go net zero by 2050, but given no commitment to stop fossil fuel
investment. In January, an
influential group of Barclays Shareholders, represented by ShareAction, tabled
a motion to phase out all fossil fuel investments. This will be on the table at
the AGM on Thursday 7th May. Let’s strengthen their voice and
tell other shareholders to follow them!
So what can i do ?
Help raise a social media storm! At 11am on Thursday 7th May, comment, post and share, then comment and share again!
Suggested text – feel
free to amend as you like, or of course you can write your own message!
I was pleased to see
that Barclays has announced a commitment to go net zero for carbon emissions.
However, it’s very troubling that you have given no commitment to phase out
investment in fossil fuels. The science is clear – to avoid catastrophic global
heating, what we do over the next five years is crucial. Drastic action is
I urge the Barclays
board to show leadership on this issue. Tell the world that you’re serious
about tackling the climate emergency, and this isn’t just a piece of corporate
greenwashing. Give a clear, timebound commitment to phase out fossil fuels.
Killer Facts: Feel
free to use these, or source your own facts to highlight the many ways that
Barclays are putting our future at risk.
33 global banks (including Barclays) have provided $1.9 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the adoption of the Paris climate accord in 2015.
Bank financing for fossil fuels has increased each year since the PCA.
Over the past three years those same banks provided financial services worth $600 billion to the 100 companies with the largest investments forecast in new fossil fuel extraction, infrastructure, and power generation.
Barclays are 6th worst in the world of banks investing in fossil fuel since the PCA.
Barclays are the top European banker of fracking and coal, and lead as the worst European bank for fossil fuel investment.
Barclays have invested $85 billion (£70b) in fossil fuels and $24 billion (£20b) into expansion since the PCA in 2015.
Email YOUR Pension Provider
If you have a pension, there’s a good chance your pension
savings are invested in Barclays. Make
your voice count! Use this link to see whether your pension manager invests in Barclays, and
to email them asking them to vote for the ShareAction resolution.
Switch Your bank
Do you currently bank with Barclays? For a bank, customers
voting with their feet is the most powerful persuasion of all! Click here
to find an ethical alternative. (If you don’t bank with Barclays, use this tool
to see how your own bank is doing. Barclays is just the worst of a pretty bad
find out more
Extra info and
links to interesting articles:
Barclays fossil
fuel investment breakdown (The summary below shows the split of the $24
Billion invested in FF exploration and expansion, it does not include the $85
Billion invested in existing fossil fuel involvement)
After a useful Meeting Facilitation Training Session today, I re-worked an existing XR Meeting Template for our Lewes Working Groups. So, you now have a XR document you can use to record your meetings without having to write up the minutes afterwards! There’s nothing beats making the world a better place! Here’s the link
It’s difficult for us all to get together for trainings during the lock-down, but don’t despair! Rebels have been working hard to bring you a range of online trainings and you can take part from the comfort of your own home! You’ll find some on our Events Calendar. If you click on the link under XR CENTRAL EVENTS AND TRAININGS you can sign up for the brilliant online DNA workshops, or attend an Introduction to Extinction Rebellion or Rebel Ringers Training. These aren’t the only trainings being offered over the next few weeks. We now have our very own RESET TV where there is a packed programme of trainings, activities, discussions and rebellious things to do during lock-down! RESET TV are keen to get everyone involved, so if you have an idea for an online event you can contact them and get involved … it’s the XR way!
Firstly, we hope that each and every one of you, and your loved ones, are staying safe and well in these strange and frightening times.
Our first general meeting via Zoom call will be on Monday 30th March (agenda to follow). This follows hard on the heels of the first Zoom coordinators’ meeting, which took place on Monday evening. Suffice to say it was a bit different! It felt very strange not to be able do all the things that mean so much yet we normally take for granted – shaking hands, giving one another a hug, sharing our food. But it was largely successful – the meeting went off without any technical hitches, and there was plenty of constructive discussion. We think we can speak for everyone when we say it just felt great to be able to see our fellow rebels, and to talk to them about everything.
There was much talk about how we felt grateful to be living somewhere that was close to nature and away from the epicentres of the coronavirus crisis; about how we were worried for family and friends, particularly those in the vulnerable category; about the uncertainly of where this crisis is heading and how things will ultimately turn out. From an XR perspective, views ranged from despondency about how we could remain relevant in the current situation, to hopefulness. As one rebel said, if XR and the school strikers and all the other environmental groups in the world joined forces and worked for years, we could never hope to have such an impact on the airline industry as we’ve seen over the past weeks.
There were many questions asked. These included; how do we continue to rebel at a time when we can’t have mass gatherings? How do we continue to recruit when our traditional methods have been curtailed? How do we all keep each other motivated and focussed, able to look beyond the current emergency to the other and far greater crisis that’s looming? We need your help to try and find the answers! So we very much hope to see you on Monday.
There was also a lot of talk about precursors. We’re sure you’ve thought about this as well. If you haven’t read it, George Monbiot is very articulate on this recent Guardian article.
It’s potentially a very powerful argument. As a species, we should be able to stop coronavirus, but we won’t be able to stop the climate and ecological emergency if it moves beyond a certain point. But how do we frame the argument? We must remember that people are dying and will continue to die. That as oil prices plummet and planes stay grounded, many, many people who work in those industries, or are affected by them in some way (which means most of us) are terrified of losing their livelihoods. We must be sure to strike the right tone, and not to draw false equivalencies. In short, the answer has to be – we frame it carefully.